
Bonobo Lucy Grows Up 2016
Marian Brickner

A photographically pictorial story, with a little descriptive text, of a captive bonobo, Lucy, growing up in the Jacksonville, Florida Zoo, and then, when she had grown up, was moved to La Vallee des Singe, in Romagne, France,where she had her own baby, Yuli.


You Scared Me!
Anne Paris & Marian Brickner

You Scared Me!: Jenga and Laney are playing and minding their own business, when a bigger bonobo, Neeley, starts to harass them. Expressive photographs of bonobo apes illustrate how it feels to be bullied, what kids should do, and how adults can intervene effectively. The adults use empathy to help Neeley understand the reasons for her bad behavior and how she can get her wish to feel big and important in less hurtful ways. An important book in helping young children develop empathy in order to prevent bullying.


Go Fish!!: A Pelican Fishing  2014
Marian Brickner

A White American Pelican has caught an Asian Carp. Her “friends” are trying to get it away from her. This is a picture book showing the sequence of events of this fishing episode.


I'm Different You're Different
Anne Paris & Marian Brickner

I’m Different You’re Different: Jenga the bonobo teaches a poignant lesson about using empathy to connect with others who are "different." Ridiculously cute photographs of bonobo apes illustrate the story of Jenga and Kaleb (a bald bonobo who looks different). At first, Jenga and his friends assume Kaleb is weird. But then empathy helps them move past their assumptions and get to know him. To their surprise and delight, Kaleb is funny and talented! Jenga and his friends discover a wonderful lesson about finding the secret value in everyone, even the outcasts.



I'm Lucy: The Day in the Life of a Young Bonobo
Mathea Levine & Marian Brickner

Meet Lucy. She's a bonobo and she's a lot like you! In this story, you'll learn about Lucy and her family and see amazing photographs that will make you laugh out loud. What is a bonobo? Bonobos are our closest great ape relatives who live in a uniquely peaceful and matriarchal society. Tragically, scientists predict bonobo extinction within 10 years unless humans protect them and their habitat, the rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in Africa. People can help though! All profits from I'm Lucy go to the Bonobo Conservation Initiative and the Roots and Shoots program - organizations working to save the bonobos and the Earth. 

$20.00 (Includes S&H)

Cat Portraits
Marian Brickner

Cat Portraits, 40 different cats looking into he camera.




Insides Out (The Empathy Way)
Anne Paris & Marian Brickner

Insides Out: Laney the bonobo introduces young children to the concept of empathy: what it is, why it's important, and how to do it. She shows how empathy feels good, builds good family and friend relationships, and how empathy goes two ways, back and forth. Cute pictures of bonobo apes engage and delight young and old alike.




Cats Speak
Marian Brickner & Linda Whitefeather

A whimsical 40 page book with quirky poems about cats on the left page and cat pictures on the right to match the point of the poem. Fun, giggle provoking. A definite “brain break”!!!!




Bonobo Lucy and her Baby Yuli
Marian Brickner

Bonobo Lucy playing with her two month old baby YULI. An intimate look at a Bonobo mother and her baby, happily engaged together during a ten second interval. The pictures evoke oohs and aahs and giggles from the viewer. Might adjust your perception of the similarities between bonobos and humans forever. Photos by Marian Brickner



Is Baby Lucy Singing?
Marian Brickner

A Delightful sequence of thirty pictures showing young bonobo Lucy possibly singing! Put your opera music to these pages and you will be humming in tune! Do bonobos actually sing? Find out here.




Growing Up Bonobo
Marian Brickner & Tracy Fenn

Marian Brickner, whimsical photographer, has been photographing animals in relationship for twenty years. Growing Up Bonobos has been a combination of skills with Tracy Fenn and her husband Paul Fenn, (who did all the graphic design work). Tracy has worked with zoo-living primates for almost 20 years and with the bonobos at Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens for nearly a decade. She leads the team of dedicated keepers responsible for all aspects of bonobo husbandry, from social management to training and nutrition. Concerned with the long-term preservation of this intriguing and critically endangered species, she also serves on the Bonobo Species Survival Plan Management Group.




Grooming bonobos: Lucy (age 1) LOVES it
Marian Brickner 

Bonobo Lucy, who is one year old here, is learning about the grooming process with her family. She is snuggling, climbing on her mom, and paying with her sister Lexi.

